massage for pain management

Recently in the news there have been several mentions of Massage as a method for pain management. As there is more information coming to light about the levels of prescription medication addiction and the effects on families and society, more people are looking for alternative therapies.

According to the American Massage Therapy Association, "A growing body of research shows massage therapy can be an effective part of pain relief and management. This research data, and the experience of physicians, massage therapists and patients, should encourage pain specialists to consider incorporating massage therapy into their pain management programs. ​" In fact, studies relating to the effectiveness of massage have been around for many years. "In 1990, Jensen et al. published data indicating that massage was better than cold pack treatment of post-traumatic headaches.4 The October 2002 issue of the American Journal of Public Health reports that new research by Quinn, Chandler and Moraska showed muscle-specific massage therapy is effective for reducing the incidence of chronic tension headaches."

"​The effectiveness of massage lies in a simple and direct strategy: working from the external, outer mechanisms of pain to the primary, root cause. Massage therapists utilize a holistic approach, focusing on the entire body system and its relationship to soft tissue. Their care isn’t focused only on the site of pain.

Another benefit of massage therapy from a patient perspective is how it helps patients become more aware of their bodies and better familiarize them with the pain they experience. The massage therapist not only helps relieve muscle and other soft tissue pain, but also has an impact on the patient by virtue of human touch."

I regularly work with clients to help them begin the healing process, sometimes after a car accident or other trauma, and sometimes on an injury that has been in the body for a time, but has begun to limit daily activities. Beginning to explore the signals of the body, the language of the body, one can begin to interpret that language and give the body what it needs to heal. Many massage modalities, or styles, are available to begin the healing process. Working with relaxation massage, targeted work on specific muscle points, and ancient techniques such as Tui Na, Gua Sha, and cupping, we can create positive conditions in the body such as relaxation, easing of muscle tension, and lowered heart rate and blood pressure, and that can help the body heal. It is an honor to be able to offer massage to others and be a part of their healing journey.

All quotes from: American Massage Therapy Association, Massage Therapy for Pain Management,


tears and time


neck tension